Etiqueta: Laden La
Sonam Wangfel Laden La
“Un corazón amoroso es el requisito principal: Respetar a la gente como a un hijo único; no oprimir ni destruir; no exaltarse a uno mismo aplastando a otros, sino confortando y siendo amable con aquellos que sufren. No pensar ningún mal ni cometerlo, sino por el contrario, pensar en beneficio de todas las criaturas.” —…
Some Reflections on the Tibetan Master “Djwhal Khul” and the 9th Panchen Lama
[…] Members of this group of disciples know me for who I am. You know me as a teacher, as a Tibetan disciple and as an initiate of a certain degree—what degree being of no importance to you at all. It is the teaching that I shall give you which will matter. I am an…
Sobre el Maestro Tibetano Djwhal Khul y el 9no Panchen Lama
“Members of this group of disciples know me for who I am. You know me as a teacher, as a Tibetan disciple and as an initiate of a certain degree—what degree being of no importance to you at all. It is the teaching that I shall give you which will matter. I am an initiate…