Sonam Wangfel Laden La

“Un corazón amoroso es el requisito principal: Respetar a la gente como a un hijo único; no oprimir ni destruir; no exaltarse a uno mismo aplastando a otros, sino confortando y siendo amable con aquellos que sufren. No pensar ningún mal ni cometerlo, sino por el contrario, pensar en beneficio de todas las criaturas.”— S. … Continue reading Sonam Wangfel Laden La

Some Reflections on the Tibetan Master “Djwhal Khul” and the 9th Panchen Lama

[…] Members of this group of disciples know me for who I am. You know me as a teacher, as a Tibetan disciple and as an initiate of a certain degree—what degree being of no importance to you at all. It is the teaching that I shall give you which will matter. I am an … Continue reading Some Reflections on the Tibetan Master “Djwhal Khul” and the 9th Panchen Lama

Sobre el Maestro Tibetano Djwhal Khul y el 9no Panchen Lama

"Members of this group of disciples know me for who I am. You know me as a teacher, as a Tibetan disciple and as an initiate of a certain degree—what degree being of no importance to you at all. It is the teaching that I shall give you which will matter. I am an initiate into the mysteries of being. That statement in itself conveys information to those who know. You know also that I am in a human body, and am a resident of northern India. Let that suffice and let not curiosity blind you to the teaching."