Mes: junio 2004

  • The Impact of Jung and Krishnamurti on some Theosophical Teachings

    by D. G. Gower Part 1: What is Psychological Memory? According to C.G.Jung, …the unconscious consists of contents that are entirely undifferentiated, representing the precipitate of humanity’s typical forms of reaction since the earliest beginnings – apart from historical, ethnological, or other differentiation – in situations of general human character, e.g., such situations as those…

  • De Blavatsky a Krishnamurti

    Publicado en “El Loto Blanco” de Mayo 1930  “Las enseñanzas de la Teosofía no deben ser ignoradas por nuestros contemporáneos aun cuando la Sociedad se disolviese y no quedase rastro alguno suyo como cuerpo organizado…” – A. Fullerton, 1891  El más inciso trazo del carácter de Blavatsky fue indudablemente la rebeldía. Anticonvencional con todo y…

  • Tibetan Initiate on World Problems

    The Blavatsky Pamphlets No. 6(Reprinted from “The Occult World”, 1883) Foreword The publication, in 1923, of The Mahatma Letters to A.P.Sinnett has once more roused the attention of the thoughtful student to the solutions of the problems of existence offered by the writers. Over forty years ago similar but more lively and widespread interest was…