Tibetan Initiate on World Problems

The Blavatsky Pamphlets No. 6(Reprinted from "The Occult World", 1883) Foreword The publication, in 1923, of The Mahatma Letters to A.P.Sinnett has once more roused the attention of the thoughtful student to the solutions of the problems of existence offered by the writers. Over forty years ago similar but more lively and widespread interest was … Continue reading Tibetan Initiate on World Problems

Some Reflections on the Tibetan Master “Djwhal Khul” and the 9th Panchen Lama

[…] Members of this group of disciples know me for who I am. You know me as a teacher, as a Tibetan disciple and as an initiate of a certain degree—what degree being of no importance to you at all. It is the teaching that I shall give you which will matter. I am an … Continue reading Some Reflections on the Tibetan Master “Djwhal Khul” and the 9th Panchen Lama

Sobre el Maestro Tibetano Djwhal Khul y el 9no Panchen Lama

"Members of this group of disciples know me for who I am. You know me as a teacher, as a Tibetan disciple and as an initiate of a certain degree—what degree being of no importance to you at all. It is the teaching that I shall give you which will matter. I am an initiate into the mysteries of being. That statement in itself conveys information to those who know. You know also that I am in a human body, and am a resident of northern India. Let that suffice and let not curiosity blind you to the teaching."