Beethoven: Oyente del Gran Silencio

Beethoven el Gran Músico Ludwig van Beethoven (1770-1827) fue un gran músico que ha inspirado a muchos, entre ellos a Ramón Gener, presentador de This Is Opera quien resalta su papel como el gran músico que poniéndose al centro de su obra, pudo olvidarse de sí mismo para donarse al mundo, de ahí su grandeza … Continue reading Beethoven: Oyente del Gran Silencio

The Impact of Jung and Krishnamurti on some Theosophical Teachings

by D. G. Gower Part 1: What is Psychological Memory? According to C.G.Jung, ...the unconscious consists of contents that are entirely undifferentiated, representing the precipitate of humanity’s typical forms of reaction since the earliest beginnings - apart from historical, ethnological, or other differentiation - in situations of general human character, e.g., such situations as those … Continue reading The Impact of Jung and Krishnamurti on some Theosophical Teachings