[…] Members of this group of disciples know me for who I am. You know me as a teacher, as a Tibetan disciple and as an initiate of a certain degree—what degree being of no importance to you at all. It is the teaching that I shall give you which will matter. I am an initiate into the mysteries of being. That statement in itself conveys information to those who know. You know also that I am in a human body, and am a resident of northern India. Let that suffice and let not curiosity blind you to the teaching.”
[DNE I, p. 7, November 1931; emphasis added]
I. Knowing the Master
“To know the Master was not to have seen His form but to have understood His Will”—the Trans-Himalayan Tradition affirms—as it can lead to a devotional approach to His figure, and to a poor understanding of His Teaching, that when revealing Itself, and not by the status of who issued It, becomes important for the development of planetary consciousness. In this regard, Regina Keller, co-founder of the School of Esoteric Studies, tells us:
“I have always remembered the phrase from [Frank] Alexander’s In the Hours of Meditation. He asked how to know the Master, and the answer came in the hour of meditation that to know the Master was not to have seen his form but to have understood his will. That is knowing the Master. This does not mean a mental understanding, but rather to stand up to his will and let him work through you.”
[Talk to Arcane School students; final talk given Spring 1943.]
However, the statement by César and Lina María Zuluaga in their article Arte Iluminador [Illuminating Art] about that the Tibetan Master Djwhal Khul “has been recognized as the 9th Panchen Lama, spiritual leader of Tibet, very active for the west-east link. Exteriorized since 1934,” has motivated me a reflection on the possible historical figure of this Master of Wisdom.
II. About the Tibetan Master in His Own Words

In Initiation, Human and Solar, Chapter VI, The Lodge of Masters, D.K. states:
The Master Djwhal Khul, or the Master D. K. as He is frequently called, is another adept on the second Ray of Love-Wisdom. He is the latest of the adepts taking initiation, having taken the fifth initiation in 1875, and is therefore occupying the same body in which He took the initiation, most of the other Masters having taken the fifth initiation whilst occupying earlier vehicles. His body is not a young one, and He is a Tibetan. He is very devoted to the Master K. H. and occupies a little house not far distant from the larger one of the Master, and from His willingness to serve and to do anything that has to be done, He has been called ‘the Messenger of the Masters.’ He is profoundly learned, and knows more about the rays and planetary Hierarchies of the solar system than anyone else in the ranks of the Masters. […] He it was Who dictated a large part of that momentous book The Secret Doctrine, and Who showed to H. P. Blavatsky many of the pictures, and gave her much of the data that is to be found in that book.
[IHS, pp. 57-58, 1920; emphasis added]
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